The Many Benefits Of Urethane Rollers

For years, urethane rollers have been the conveyor of choice for many industries, and they can be used in a number of settings. That’s because conveyors made from thermosetting polymers are more durable than plastic and metal conveyors, and offer greater resistance against environmental hazards. For this reason, the material is often used to cap and coat surfaces that are exposed to a variety of forces. And because these conveyors are highly economical and easy to produce, they can be delivered to any work site in expedited fashion.

How can urethane rollers assist with high risk, critical applications?

Conveyors made from the thermosetting polymer can withstand polyurethane_rollersextreme settings, so they are ideal for the oil & gas, petrochemical, mining and construction industries. But they can be found in any facility that relies on conveyors to move heavy objects, such as doors or gates. For example, these conveyors can be installed in commercial food production facilities, and used to help open overhead or heavy refrigerator doors.

Here are a few reasons why thermosetting polymers should be considered the material of choice when installing conveyors:

  • They can be custom fit for any application. Depending on the additives and ingredients used during the manufacturing process, these polymers can be built to any hardness and created with custom modifications and colors. This level of customization ensures every company gets exactly the conveyors they need.
  • They are extremely durable. Thermosetting polymers offer unmatched resistance to punishing temperatures, withering work conditions, and wear and tear. Urethane rollers can withstand both heat and cold, and will not expand or contract to a significant degree. They repel moisture and will not facilitate mold growth, and they are designed to withstand regular impact and abrasive forces.
  • They greatly increase movement stability and safety. These conveyors are often tasked with ensuring precise movement, or with keeping a heavy load steady while in transit. For example, oil & gas operations often call for long stretches of pipeline, and this pipe has to be protected from contacting the ground or other obstacles. A conveyor elevates the pipe off the ground and keeps it under control the entire time, reducing the chances of an accident occurring. This focus on precision is particularly helpful in automation and machining applications, where the conveyor has to execute quick, sharp movements.
  • They can extend the life of other system components. For example, urethane guide rollers are used in cranes, winches and elevators, as they can control stretches of cable as they are pulled up. A conveyor will also ensure the cable is spooled correctly. With a guide wheel in place, the cable will sustain minimal friction, protecting it from wear and tear and improving safety.

Conveyors are an essential part of many companies’ operations, and with polyurethane components, they can remain so for years with no drop in performance.

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